Your First Visit

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Your First Visit to Focus Physiotherapy

If you are visiting a physiotherapist for the first time you may have questions regarding your appointment.  At Focus Physiotherapy we believe proper preparation prior to your sessions results in better outcomes and an improved recovery.

Upon Arrival at the Clinic

You should arrive a few minutes early to ensure all your paperwork is filled out and to ask any questions you may have about your coverage details.  To make things even easier you may choose to download our intake paperwork from our website and fill it our in advance.

Download Intake Form

Meeting Our Registered Physiotherapist

Your first physiotherapy visit at Focus Physiotherapy will consist of an assessment and the first stages of your physiotherapy treatment program.

The registered physiotherapist will start by introducing him or herself, and confirm your desire to perform an assessment and obtain treatment for your injuries.

Meet Our Registered Physiotherapists

The Physiotherapy Assessment and Treatment Plan

After the introductions, the assessment will begin.  A thorough assessment will involve asking questions regarding your medical history, the method of injury, and may also involve moving your body and asking you to perform movements to determine the issue or issues at hand and formulate a diagnosis of the injury.

You should wear loose fitting clothing to ensure the registered physiotherapist has proper access to the injured area in question.  If at any point you have questions please feel free to ask our registered health professionals.  Our patient-centered model of care really does revolve around you.  The more informed you are about the assessment and treatment plan, the more effective and efficient your recovery will be.

Once the assessment is completed the registered physiotherapist will discuss their findings with you and develop a treatment plan outlining your role and our role in your recovery.  You will be presented with our recommendations and any additional information our registered physiotherapists feel is important to result in excellent results and recovery.

Your Treatment Options

You will also be presented with, and informed of, any additional treatment options that may be beneficial for your recovery in the short and long term.  We may also discuss any lifestyle changes you may need to initiate.  You may have additional questions, so feel free to ask them.

Starting Physiotherapy Treatment

Having completed your initial assessment you will begin your treatment program.  Our registered physiotherapists will guide and introduce you to any of the team members who will be involved in your care.  You can expect instructions about exercises and how you should expect to respond to our treatment interventions.

Your first visit will pass quickly, but there is always an opportunity to ask a question.

Your first session is not the only time you will be asked questions. We often conduct informal and formal reassessments during your recovery to determine just how well you are doing.  You can expect our programs to respond to your reactions so we want you to inform us of how you are progressing.

Your role in your Recovery

It’s very important you follow our recommendations and don’t “go rogue” with your program.  Our interventions are carefully selected based on our determination of where you are in your stage of healing.   So, play it safe and follow our lead, Your recovery is important to us and we want you to reach your maximum possible physical recovery.

The most important part of your recovery will be your participation.  The second most important part is the team you have working for you.  The wining combination happens when everyone knows their roles and everyone has agreed to all aspects of the treatment.

We look forward to making your experience at Focus Physiotherapy a positive one

Three Things You Should Know

  1. You don’t need a doctor’s referral to come see us
  2. Your visit will last between 30 and 60 minutes
  3. You should wear non-restrictive clothing, like sweatpants or shorts and a T-shirt

You Can Complete Your Paperwork in Advance

Save time by downloading your forms. You can either email us the forms before your appointment ([email protected]) or bring them with you when you come to see us. Or simply arrive 10 to 15 minutes ahead of your first visit to complete your intake forms at the clinic.

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