Concussion Treatment Toronto
Concussions are a severe and often-misunderstood injury, caused by blunt mechanical force. A concussion can result from a direct blow, not only to the head but also to the face, neck and other areas of the body. By definition, concussions are not life-threatening injuries, however, they can cause both short-term and long-term psychological and mental problems.
If you or someone you know is suffering by the symptoms of a concussion in Toronto, call our team of health care professionals at Focus Physiotherapy today. Our leading Concussion Treatment in Toronto helps get you on the path to full physical recovery.
What Is A Concussion?
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that can affect how your brain works. Concussions can occur whenever your brain moves within your skull. As the brain is made up of soft tissue, this sudden movement can cause the brain to bounce or jolt in the head. The sudden force of an impact can lead to bruising and swelling of the brain, tearing of the blood vessels, and injury to nerves, causing the concussion.
Most medical service providers describe a concussion as a mild brain injury because concussions are usually not life-threatening. In many cases, there are no external signs of head trauma. However, the effects of a concussion can be lingering, severe and can have a substantial impact on overall physical and mental health, as well as affect overall wellbeing. Because the symptoms of a concussion can take hours to present themselves, it is crucial to monitor someone who may have received an injury that leads to a concussion.
Although physical symptoms of concussions often resolve themselves over time, it is the emotional and behavioural issues that can linger overtime after a traumatic brain injury. If you have suffered a concussion, watch for mood swings, depressed mood, or increasing anxiety or panic symptoms as these can be signs that further treatment may be required. Speaking to your doctor or concussion specialist at Focus Physiotherapy first, or letting someone know you are experiencing these feelings can be essential, towards getting help to monitor your symptoms and to ensure proper treatment and symptom management is provided. Rather than suffer in silence with emotional-stress related issues, contact Focus Physiotherapy today for comprehensive concussion treatment in Toronto.
What Are The Symptoms Of A Concussion?
Concussions can be difficult to diagnose because they do not always appear immediately, and they can occur even if there was no apparent head injury. Also, symptoms often become more evident in the following days after an injury, long after you have left the hospital or doctor’s office. Symptoms of a concussion can include a headache, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, sensitivity to light, and loss of balance or coordination.

The symptoms of concussions include, but are not limited to:
- Prolonged headaches
- Vision disturbances
- Loss of consciousness
- Confusion
- Amnesia
- Dizziness
- Ringing in the ears
- Loss of balance or coordination
- Difficulty concentrating
- Difficulty retaining new information
- Nausea or vomiting
- Slurred speech
- Fatigue
- Irritability or mood swings
- Sleep disturbances
- Sensitivity to light
- Changes in taste or smell
Don’t Wait, Get Help Today.
Book An Appointment At Focus Physiotherapy For Professional Concussion & Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment in Toronto (416) 225-8788 or Email Us At [email protected].
Understanding The Concussion Recovery Process
Everyone recovers from a concussion differently. Some symptoms may last a week to ten days, while others can continue for much longer. A health-care provider should monitor all concussion patients. Sports-related concussions typically have a high rate of recovery when adequately managed. However, concussions stemming from motor vehicle collisions likely have symptoms that persist beyond six months and may require prolonged monitoring.
As concussions cause physical, mental and emotional issues, our most beneficial concussion treatment in Toronto is a “multi-disciplinary” management approach. Which involves having a team of health-care professionals monitor your progress in the following days after an injury. Your team usually includes your doctor, family members and physical therapists or trainers who can watch for symptoms, provide support, and determine if your symptoms are worsening or if they have returned after your recovery period.
Rest is the most appropriate way to allow your brain to recover from a concussion. You should avoid activities can aggravate your symptoms, such as general physical exertion, sports or any vigorous movements. Rest also includes limiting activities that require thinking and mental concentration, such as playing video games, watching TV, schoolwork, reading, texting or using a computer if these activities trigger your symptoms or worsen them.
The Do’s and Don’ts Of Concussion Treatment
What You Should Do During Concussion Treatment Toronto:
- Limit activities that require intense mental focus
- Avoid physically demanding activities such as athletics
- Get plenty of sleep and rest
- Take notes to help your memory
What You Should Not Do During Concussion Treatment Toronto:
- Participate in more than one activity at a time
- Drink alcoholic beverages
- Use electronics such as computers or video game consoles
- Drive, ride a bike or operate heavy machinery
Understanding how concussions affect your health can help you in your recovery. In the past, a lack of knowledge meant inadequate treatment. Today, medical professionals have at better understanding of the mental and emotional impact of concussions and seeking help from licensed health care providers or counselling is crucial towards managing the psychological and emotional challenges of a concussion.
Our Concussion Treatment Clinic In Toronto
Looking for professional concussion treatment in Toronto? Visit Focus Physiotherapy today. Located in the heart of the city at 4789 Yonge St #506, our office features a dedicated exercise studio, state-of-the-art medical equipment, and the most helpful team in town.
Looking For Concussion Treatment In Toronto From a Team That Really Cares About Their Patients? You’ve Found Us!
Hours of Operation:
Monday 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
4789 Yonge St #506
North York , ON M2N 0G3