Common Causes Of Injuries In The Workplace

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Common Causes Of Injuries In The Workplace

Workplace injuries are one of the biggest challenges that businesses and employees face. They can lead to permanent disability, loss of income, and even death.

More importantly, workplace injuries occur in a variety of settings, including offices, warehouses, and offshore rigs.

Workers need to consider the many factors that can lead to injuries in order to maximize their safety.

Understanding the common causes of injuries in the workplace helps you create a safe work environment and prevent future injuries.

Workplace Injury Types and Effects

Common injuries include sprains, fractures, hearing or vision loss, and burns as well as brain, spinal cord, back, and repetitive stress injuries.

In some cases, injuries occur as a result of some negligence from another party. This may include employers, coworkers, and equipment manufacturers.

Focus Physiotherapy helps workers who’ve been injured overcome issues related to their injuries. We provide the resources that help them understand the causes of their injuries so that they achieve a full recovery.

The following are the most common causes of injuries in the workplace.

Slipping and Tripping

Some areas cause slips due to spilled liquids that aren’t cleaned. Cleaning crews must notify employees if a floor has been waxed or mopped in order to keep others safe.

Workers should evaluate work areas to keep them free from clutter and other hazards. Items that are left on the floor can cause workers to trip and sustain a variety of injuries.

Lifting Heavy Loads

Although many workplaces have tools in place to assist workers in lifting heavy objects, injuries still occur when workers try to manually lift loads that are beyond their abilities.

Proper safety gear should be in place when lifting equipment and other items. More importantly, workers must learn correct lifting techniques to protect their back, arms, and legs.

Hazardous Materials

Some industries require the handling of hazardous materials. Workers who have inadequate eyewear, clothing, gloves, and other protective equipment can experience injuries due to the direct or indirect exposure to these materials.

Chemicals and other toxic substances cause a large number of health problems, including breathing issues, loss of vision, and infections.

Repetitive Movement Injuries

Some injuries occur over time as a result of exposure to repetitive movements. Jobs that consist of repeated tasks place stress on the joints, muscles, and connective tissues.

Repetitive movements lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, patellofemoral syndrome, bursitis, stress fractures, and other injuries.

These injuries can occur in the absence of any heavy objects. Typing and other low-intensity tasks can easily lead to a number of repetitive stress injuries.

Knowing the common causes of workplace injuries gives you the protection you need to prevent their short- and long-term impacts.

Focus physiotherapy works with individuals who’ve experienced these and other injuries to provide lasting relief and help them achieve a full recovery.

If you’d like more information on the best options for treating your workplace injury, contact Focus Physiotherapy today.

By |February 17th, 2017|Common Injuries|Comments Off on Common Causes Of Injuries In The Workplace

About the Author:

Anthony Grande has been a Registered Physiotherapist since 1996. His desire to help people recover from their injuries pushed him to provide better care and get involved in professional and government organizations, where he gained the opportunity to be part of roundtables with Ministers and their staff. He specializes in medical acupuncture, sports injury recovery, and stroke and traumatic brain injury rehabilitation. Anthony devotes his personal time to his family, animal welfare, and social entrepreneurship.