Anti-Gravity Treadmills

/Anti-Gravity Treadmills

Five Ways Anti Gravity Treadmills Can Help After A Car Accident

Rehabilitation after a car accident has many steps. Depending on the severity of your accident, you could be back on your feet within six months, or it may take over a year to experience a full recovery. No matter how catastrophic your injuries are following a car accident, the benefits of anti gravity treadmills can [...]

By |2019-11-06T14:26:56-05:00September 8th, 2017|Anti-Gravity Treadmills|Comments Off on Five Ways Anti Gravity Treadmills Can Help After A Car Accident

How Anti-Gravity Treadmills Improve Athletic Performance

The tools used to improve athletic performance in training and rehabilitation settings are constantly evolving. New technologies help athletes achieve greater success on the playing field while recovering from any injuries. Anti-gravity treadmills give athletes an effective method for improving performance, with greater comfort, a reduced risk of injury, and improved accuracy. Use of these [...]

By |2019-08-14T13:23:28-04:00July 10th, 2017|Anti-Gravity Treadmills|Comments Off on How Anti-Gravity Treadmills Improve Athletic Performance